
my family

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My Favourite singer

I have many favorite singers from folklore to hip-hop music, for example Evelyn Cornejo, Intillimani, Subverso, among others. I have choose Portavoz, who is a Chilean rap singer and member of the group Salvaje Decibel. I really like Salvaje Decibel but prefer Portavoz’s albums just as a singer.

I prefer Portavoz because his lirycal content it is about politics, also use his underground music for denounced the social reality in Chile, its problems, injustices and inequalities of people lives in the present.  In addition, he creates his own beats and they have an amazing great quality.

This Singer has become in a great Chilean hip-hop exponent, coming to scenarios in Colombia, Venezuela, México and commercial festivals like Lollapalooza in Chile. I like Portavoz because he is consistent and that despite his fame, he has continued with his conviction as a raper; he makes a social work which it is the base of hip-hop. Also, he belong to the Conchalí territorial Assembly, where he worked with different unions and he’s always making workshops in schools with Confederation Suiza and neighborhood councils in different cities from Chile.

I present below a video from one of my favorite songs called “El otro Chile”. 

You can find more information in his Facebook fan page “Portavoz (Página Oficial)”


  1. Jocelyn, your post is in Spanish.

    You can try again but you will have 1 point less.

    Pls, don´t use the google translator, try to do it in your own words.

    See you on Tue. Remember you have to turn in the Newsletter.


  2. Good job, Jocelyn, much better.

    You get a 5,5-1 = 4,5 for your tardiness
