
my family

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

My Favourite singer

I have many favorite singers from folklore to hip-hop music, for example Evelyn Cornejo, Intillimani, Subverso, among others. I have choose Portavoz, who is a Chilean rap singer and member of the group Salvaje Decibel. I really like Salvaje Decibel but prefer Portavoz’s albums just as a singer.

I prefer Portavoz because his lirycal content it is about politics, also use his underground music for denounced the social reality in Chile, its problems, injustices and inequalities of people lives in the present.  In addition, he creates his own beats and they have an amazing great quality.

This Singer has become in a great Chilean hip-hop exponent, coming to scenarios in Colombia, Venezuela, México and commercial festivals like Lollapalooza in Chile. I like Portavoz because he is consistent and that despite his fame, he has continued with his conviction as a raper; he makes a social work which it is the base of hip-hop. Also, he belong to the Conchalí territorial Assembly, where he worked with different unions and he’s always making workshops in schools with Confederation Suiza and neighborhood councils in different cities from Chile.

I present below a video from one of my favorite songs called “El otro Chile”. 

You can find more information in his Facebook fan page “Portavoz (Página Oficial)”

Saturday, October 17, 2015


My library of the future, will be a concept "Sustainable library" wanna be friendly to the environment, so that solar energy will be used by panels that will be installed on your roof, while leveraging much sunlight as have many windows, with a small indoor park with trees, flowers and plants, for those who want to read in a natural environment, and in a certain area, users can be stay with their pets.

 As for what the library will have great technical advances in software that allow an efficient information retrieval with database repositories and high academic standards, also the library will have modern equipment available to users, such as notebook, tables in where they will e-books. His collection will be broad in all subjects, Dewey system is used. And areas such as literature and general collection will open shelves, they are the most desirable.

Library main thing is that users enjoy the culture and respect nature, so every time that a user has a backlog of delivery, it must pay a penalty of either money, a new book or a plant.

It will be a small oasis of culture, books and landscape in the middle of the grey city.     

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

the oddest movie

The title of the film is Inside-out,  directed by Peter Docter .
The characters are: a girl called Riley. Joy, Sadness, Fury, Disgust and Fear and finally the parents and friends of Riley.
The film it is about a 11 years old girl named Riley, she and her family move to a house and start living changes in their feelings, along with the maturation process of their age.
The strange thing is that feelings are not managed by it, but there are five characters who are in charge of emotions, depending on the circumstances that Riley will live. These characters begin to see changes Riley, so for them, especially for Joy is a very complicated situation, because they were accustomed to the girl was usually happy, but all these changes will make the film recalling the various stages of Riley's life, its joys, sorrows, likes, imaginary friends, repetitive songs, etc.
These emotions characters struggle to keep safe islands through an experience that marks Riley, because in this these islands are crumbling memories are formed.
Finally Joy who was trying to drive away the memories Sadness Riley realizes that Sadness is also important in the life of the child, and thanks to this emotion Riley learned and exceeded some event and so could reach Joy.
I like this movie because I feel that make it especially  for children see a more playful way who experience emotions, while the adults back to childhood and remember those experiences that make our lives so far

I totally recommend this movie, because it is very entertaining and it is for everyone.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Hello. My name is Jocelyn Rodriguez Palacios, I was born in Santiago on 1985, I have 30 years and have two children. My oldest son called Iker and younger Ayelén. I live in the city of Padre Hurtado with my two children and my boyfriend. I love my family, I like to go out with them, watching movies, meeting places, etc.
I also really like living in Padre Hurtado because it is a very nice and quiet.
I studied in school Benjamin Vergara first grade through eighth grade, I studied secondary in the Commercial School of Talagante specialty of accounting. I have very fond memories of the time.
Working at Hogar de Cristo. I also study information management, library and archives at  Alberto Hurtado Unversity, and  I'm part of the Centre for students.
In Padre Hurtado I am a leader of a cultural center, I like the social service.

I like to read, walk with my kids, biking, go to concerts, hearing and chanting to hip hop and folklore, mainly I like Chilean artists as Portavoz, SubVerso, Anita Tijoux, Camila Moreno, Evelyn Cornejo, Manuel García, etc.

My goals are to finish my career, a nice place to work and visit Chile.